What is Chiropractic care by Telehealth?
Pandemic-precautions have brought many pivots to the way we do things in the world over the past year. And many of those new ways of...
Sustainable results
This week again, Mayor John Tory asked us to "stay the course" with our pandemic precautions. In particular, he said: "the message, at...
10,000 Steps or bust?
Recently, an article came through my news feed called "10,000 steps or bust?" It's truly a great read - the author takes you on a journey...
Persistent and recurrent low back pain
Low back pain is persistent and recurrent. It's like that one family member who visits every year around the holidays... This study...
There is no place like home for the holidays.
This holiday season, like the year that just sped past us, will have it's set of challenges. And opportunities. The Ontario government...
Home Workspace – Pain in the Neck
Neck pain is very common, but the good news is that most neck pain is not caused by serious disease. “Mechanical neck pain” is the name...
Second-wave Lockdown – Not everything is cancelled…
A year ago, posting about how to stay active during a pandemic, how to manage pain during a pandemic, and how to stay positive during a...
High-tech, high-value visits
The pandemic has pushed business, education, healthcare and even our social lives over the technology tipping point. What has been a way...
Strength training for older adults
There is an unfortunate tendency, particularly the older a person gets, to discourage people away from loading their bodies (also known as...
Injury Reduction Strategies
Do grumbles matter? Let's start with what is a grumble? Think of a grumble as one of those slight but persistent annoyance or discomforts...