Chiropractic for Back Pain

Chiropractor Treatment for Back pain and Lower back pain

Clinic serving North York, Thornhill and Toronto

Chiropractic for Low Back Pain

1 in 5 people suffer from lower back pain severe enough to seek care from a health care provider. According to a Gallop poll,  “The vast majority of neck and back pain patients who saw a chiropractor for low back pain in the past year say their chiropractor listened to them (93%), their chiropractor provided convenient and quick care (91%), and that their chiropractor explained things well (88%).

Should I see a Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain

Prescriptions are now rarely recommended as a first option for lower back pain. Healthcare providers as a whole now recognize that the more conservative approaches used by chiropractors for lower back pain, including: helping a patient to better understand their condition, advice about movement or activities, exercise recommendations, and manual therapies (like a chiropractic adjustment) is a better place to start.

  • The American College of Physicians supports chiropractic care for lower back pain
  • Both Harvard Health and The Mayo Clinic have published numerous articles highlighting chiropractic and movement-based treatment options for low back pain relief
  • Clinical care guidelines encourage starting with the more conservative approaches used by chiropractors for lower back pain

What can a Chiropractor do for Lower Back Pain

While the mainstay of chiropractic care for lower back pain is spinal manipulation, chiropractic care may also include other treatments. For lower back pain, these can include manual or manipulative therapies, postural and exercise education, and ergonomic training (how to walk, sit, and stand to limit back strain). This type of multi-modal approach to care is very familiar to our patients.

Movement-based strategies like spinal adjustments, controlled exercise, and dynamic stretching are a few of the most effective ways to relieve low back issues. Not only are movement-based strategies good for providing fast relief, but emerging research shows that they may be able to offer a preventative effect when continued over time.

Chiropractic for Sciatica

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“My body loosened up. I saw results on the first day. I can sit and work longer without pain and it has helped me learn to take care of my body.”

Tina F.

“Professional and caring and responds well to your concerns whether they are new issues or you require ongoing care and maintenance.”


“Treatment methods are spot on and I always feel like a million bucks after a chiro appointment.”

Melanie C.

“It definitely helps… I can get out of bed without making noises anymore!”

Dianne E.

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