Physiotherapy Clinic North York

You can’t do that the way you are used to. Or if you can, how you feel after makes you not want to. Physiotherapy is based on the art and science of how movement affects function. Physiotherapy is for you whether you find yourself with a new injury, a strain from sports or exercise, or are struggling with chronic pain.

Some of the most common conditions we help with are:

  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • SI joint pain
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • Knee pain
  • Ankle sprains
  • Plantar fascitis
  • Chronic pain (pain that lasts longer than three months)
  • Pre- and post- surgical rehabilitation

We’ll create a physiotherapy treatment plan based on your goals.

  • Relief from pain
  • Build strength
  • Improve mobility and balance
  • Change movement patterns
  • Recover from an injury
  • Reduce the risk of reinjury

Physiotherapists use different forms of care, including the following:

  • Manual therapies
  • Exercise medicine
  • Chronic pain management
  • Lifestyle counseling
  • Electro acupuncture and modalities.

We put patients first, which means we value interdisciplinary care. We will help you find the best providers and services for you to partner with. Appropriate referrals to medical doctors or other alternative health care providers are also made, when necessary.

Get physiotherapy care in your preferred language.

Our therapist can provide physiotherpay consultations and physiotherapy treatment in seven languages:

  • English
  • French (Physiotherapie en Francais)
  • German (Physiotherapie Deutsch)
  • Italian (Fisioterapia in Italiano)
  • Romanian (Kinetoterapie in Romana)
  • Russian (Fizioterapiya na Russkom)
  • Spanish (Fisioterapia en Espanol)

Book an Appointment



“My body loosened up. I saw results on the first day. I can sit and work longer without pain and it has helped me learn to take care of my body.”

Tina F.

“Professional and caring and responds well to your concerns whether they are new issues or you require ongoing care and maintenance.”


“Treatment methods are spot on and I always feel like a million bucks after a chiro appointment.”

Melanie C.

“It definitely helps… I can get out of bed without making noises anymore!”

Dianne E.

Get started. It’s easy!


Schedule an appointment.


Allow us to develop an efficient and sustainable customized plan.


Let’s put that plan into action. Together.